Sunday, March 2, 2014

#6 Disney Ends Funding to Boy Scouts Over Gay Policy

Disney will be ending the funding they give due to a policy that bans gay adult leaders in the organization. Although some people agree to this policy because they are afraid their son will be harmed by a gay leader. There was even a ban on having any gay members in the boy scouts. Even just as just a child. The restriction on minors was lifted effective Jan. 1, but the group kept the restriction against adult Scout leaders.

I'm personally glad that the funding will end because of this horrible policy. No one should be denied to lead a group/be part of one because of their sexual orientation. However, the ban should be lifted soon. 

If you would like to read more on this subject just click on the links under this.

1 comment:

  1. I liked this article. I agree with you I think that disney should be ending the funding for the Boy Scouts. It is just wrong that the scouts aren't accepting everyone.
