Monday, March 17, 2014

# 8 Final Post. You will be OK. I promise. Love, Christina

I really enjoyed doing this. I usually keep up with the events that happen over homosexuality. I want to know how it's going to effect me as I get older. If I will ever be able to get married and have that document. Because of this research I know I'm not the only one who gets angry/sad over what's happening. I like that some people who are heterosexual support the LGBT rights. I understand more as to why people bully me over my sexuality. This blog research really opened my eyes.
I know that I am not alone. And the way I want to end this blog is by letting everyone being bullied over their sexuality or for being themselves know it will be OK.

Everything will be alright. It's difficult now but I just want everyone to know it will get better. It's difficult for me in this moment but I try to keep my attitude positive and know that everything will turn out alright. Don't ever be ashamed as to who you are. Stay true to yourself. Be you. Don't let anyone throw you down. You're not alone in this world. Just keep your head up.
You're never alone
You will be ok
It gets better
I promise. 

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