Friday, January 31, 2014

#4 Disney Introduces First Gay Couple

On the Disney should, Good Luck Charlie, the FIRST gay couple is introduced. The little girl Charlie has a friend coming over, and once her friend shows up, two women come up to the door and introduce themselves as the little girls mothers. 

The reaction of the actors in the show had no real care about the homosexual couple. The little girl Charlie just wanted to play with this other girl. Charlie did not even realize that the girl has two moms. It doesn't matter.
I believe that because of this episode, more shows on t.v. will show more homosexuals and their spouse.
Maybe soon there will be a gay princess.


  1. #2 Comment: I really loved this video. I think this is such a breakthrough and is a great representation of how homosexuality is becoming more acceptable in our society. Disney channel, previously known as the master of old fashioned movies where a woman is saved by a man and they live happily ever after, finally realizes that two men or two women can live happily together and love one another. I love how the parents of Charlie do not even show any surprise at the fact that this little girl has two mothers. It was an excellent point to mention that Charlie did not care either. All she wanted to do was to have fun with her friend. The parents clearly see it as a normal relationship, and I think this is really showing people's growth on the matter of same sex marriage and relationships. This was a great video!

  2. #2 This video declares history in disney. Never have I expected a show to address the gay right's issue in such a nonchalant manor. The way that they address the worldly debated argument was with such a casual disposition that may help future generations realize how it isn't such a big deal. By advertising this on a disney show, where younger views are watching, illustrates how the world is changing to open their minds about this issue and to address the needs of it to people who need to know this information. Kids need to understand that love is not only between a woman and man. Opinions form in a young age and that's where the problem lies. Many times it's hard to change the minds of an already formed opinion, but when you place it in front of a kid they have the chance to experience it on their own and make their own inference.The parents in the show address it as normal, which is how it should be regarded, creating an important role model for children watching. The importance is that there is no violence and nothing going against the good will of the country, and none of that is occurring. Just people wanting to be together.
