Saturday, April 26, 2014

#12 Final

I finished the two surveys and I realized that people who are gay tend to be bullied more than any other kind of person. A majority of people said they have witnessed someone being bullied, and a majority did nothing to stop it.

I also realized that girls in my school who took the survey feel uncomfortable against lesbians, but not against guys who are gay. That was my prediction and the survey proved it all right.

Overall, the surveys I sent out all proved hypothesis correct. Kids who are gay do receive more harassment than kids who are not. Plenty of people were not bullied and have witnessed bullying and have done nothing to stop it.

Monday, April 14, 2014

#11 Plan in Action

As I said before my plan is for students, teachers, and strangers to take my online survey on homosexuality. I  decided to do two different surveys. One is just on bullying in general. The next will be on how they feel with someone who is gay and if they think they are bullied more than a general kid.
My first survey is going well and has been reaching my hypothesis. I believed people would chose that the school does not push the zero tolerance policy, if they witnessed someone being bullied BUT did nothing about it (however more said they did do something). Some say they were bullied, and my last question was if they think kids who are bullied tend to become violent.
Now, I'm going to redo that same survey but I will be adding in someone who is gay and how they feel on it.

I posted the first survey in the IHA 2014 page on Facebook but I'll post it on this post also.
I'm going to post the second form on the IHA 2014 page on Facebook and also on here.

Bullying Survey
Bullying on homosexuals

Monday, April 7, 2014

# 10 Plan

So, as I said in my last post I will be creating a survey. I will be creating one in Google Docs and post it into the 2014 IHA students Facebook page, and also having the survey on my tablet and have co-workers and customers take it too. I feel like this will go either really well or extremely horrible. I feel like the older the generation, the well accepting they will be. I'm not going to force anyone to take it.

Friday, April 4, 2014


So, I'm going to begin to create a survey on this topic and share it among my grade but also later share it among adults.  I will have it all anonymous, but it will be on their personal views on homosexuality and those who are gay. If they are more comfortable around gay men  or gay women or they're comfortable around either or not at all.
I'll keep it all posted!